Friday, July 24, 2009

Of God and Men...

The Fall….

In the days of the first age, after our God’s creation of the heavens and the earth, when the hearts of the first children of God yet lived peacefully within the good and righteous will of the Creator, there came an evil deceiver unto their midst. Cast down from the heavens above for his rebellion before the Creator, he stood convicted and damned by his own defiance before the One God of all the universe, before the One whose authority and righteousness judgment could not be challenged. Bitter in his cursed position and now certain of his impotent weakness before the Creator God which he had challenged, he found himself unable to wreck vengeance against He that he had so foolishly set his lot against. And thus did it then come to pass that this deceiver called Satan, did first cast his vengeful eyes upon the man and the woman whom God had granted dominion over the earth.
“For I now know that to challenge God shall be of no avail,” spoke the heart of the evil one. “But yet may I torment the Creator for time. If only I can turn the hearts of His creations away from their Creator, to bring them unto myself, and unto the same damnation which awaits me. Thus shall God not forget my wrath, for though I be damned myself, so shall all that He created be damned at my side.”
And thus did the deceiver, the adversary of God come unto the people of God, to tempt them and turn their hearts to him with lies of how they themselves may know the things of good and evil, of how they themselves may be like unto God and how they themselves may be equal to God. For it was by such same prideful arrogance against God that the adversary himself now stood judged and damned.
“And what crueler revenge,” thought the evil one unto himself, “than to turn the people of God away from Him by use of the selfsame sin for which I myself now stand condemned?”
It came to pass then, that the people of God fell, and turned their hearts unto the lies of the adversary, making for a great chasm between the Holy Spirit of God and the man and woman who He had created. For they had foolishly strove against the will of God and though His mighty will could not be overcome, yet could His people freely separate themselves from the will of their creator. But soon did their separation became a woeful thing unto them for without the Spirit of God upon them, they became less than they had been before, they became carnal creatures, fallen closer to the level of the beasts of the field while yet possessing knowledge and wisdom far beyond the beasts. They were more than the beasts could be for yet did they know God, but they were less than what they once were for no longer were they with God. No longer were they immortal and as such, the fear of death came upon them, with knowledge of passing time as days and years brought them ever closer to an end which their minds had never before perceived.
It grieved their Creator God also that His creations had strayed from the presence of His mighty Spirit and so, in His righteous judgment did He forever lay a curse upon deceiver which had led His people astray, and cursed also the carnal existence which the man and woman had strayed into so that they would forever forward strive to return the greatness of the their Creator God. And thus, it was from that time forward that the women of the earth would forever birth sons and daughters in pain. And the men would survive only by the sweat of their brow and the hard labor of their hands, as no longer would the earth, now cursed also with the sin of men, yield up it’s food with ease, but only through strife and struggle against the earth would men now gain it’s fruits. But in His great mercy and grace did God Himself make the work of sacrifice to cover the sins of His people whom He still loved, slaying two beasts, that the man and woman may use the skins thereof to hide the shame and nakedness which they had not perceived of before.

The aftermath….

Such were the events that brought low the state of men, making their spirit only a mere shadow of it’s former strength and thereby leaving their fleshy carnality of greater dominance and power. Thus was born the never ending war that rages deep within the heart of all men, that war which causes the spirit of men to reach upward toward the realm of God, whilst also causing the heart of men to reach downward toward the realm of the flesh. And though the man and the woman struggled mightily to return nearer to their almighty God, yet did the sin of their youth pass to the children that the woman did bear, making need that men carry forth with sacrifice to their God, as sin and death had become the common state of men, so that even by the time of the next generation of men, did they already begin to shed the blood, yea even the lives of their brethren.
It came to pass then, that he which shed the first life of his brother was forever banished with his wives from the company of men, and came to sojourn eastward whereupon he would build the first city of the fallen, carnal realm. And his people would come to be called the Sons of Men, whilst those afore him which cast their eyes upon the Creator would be known as the Sons of God. In this way was good and evil made manifest and apparent upon the face of the earth, as those that were good struggled mightily to remain with the heart and Spirit of God, whilst those that were evil sought only the ways of men and struggled to remain within the carnal ways of the fallen realm. Thus was the way by which the fallen civilization of men came to become strong and predominant upon the earth for the Sons of Men came to build many more cities and draw boundaries and borders upon the world by which they would separate peoples into nations to be ruled by kings. And they came to learn the making of weapons for war and establish weights and measures and monies and laws of men by which the people of the world be ruled over. And in time, as the generations passed from one to another did even the Sons of God become tempted and entangled unto the ways of the Sons of Men, thus empowering the ways of men and the ways of the carnal realm upon the earth over the ways of God, until there was no longer any difference in the eyes of the Creator between the Sons of God and the Sons of Men. For all men had come to be as beasts driven only the desires of the flesh, failing to seek or perceive the ways of God, living only according to the rule of their selfish hearts. Until the end of the fist age of men, when the righteous and holy will of God determined to destroy the world of men.
For the end of flesh is now before me,” spoke the Creator, “as it was through flesh that violence came upon the earth.”
So it was that the Creator commanded the one named Noah to build a great vessel of the sea in which to seek refuge and provide safety for the beast of the field so that a remnant would be saved from the destruction to come. And in time, God called down the rains from the heavens and brought forth the great fountains of the seas to cover the earth in a great flood of water until all flesh on the earth came to be destroyed whilst the vessel of Noah remained safe above the waters until coming to rest safely upon the mountains of the northern regions. And when the waters were retracted Noah made pleasing sacrifice unto the Creator until He said in His heart, “Though the hearts and thoughts of men be always evil, never again shall I destroy all that lives upon the earth. For while the earth which I created yet exists shall seedtimes and harvest, shall cold and heat, shall winters and summers shall days and night never cease to exist.
Thus did the first age of men come to pass. For God gave the fear of men unto all the beasts of the field and commanded that Noah replenish and multiply upon the earth.

The second age….

Many generations of men came to pass and as in the days of old, they welcomed evil into their hearts, turning again to the ways of the carnal realm, forming again the nations of the first age, the mightiest of which came to be in the eastern land of Shinar.
“Let us build a great city unto ourselves that our fame may be well known of throughout all the lands,” they said to one another, “and in the midst of the great city shall we build a mighty tower of such greatness that it may reach unto the heavens above the earth.”
In such way came much knowledge to the sons of men for the building of great things, came the learning of the great numbers and great feats of mathematic calculations so that men came to learn many things before the time appointed by God. For it is a woeful thing that a man’s knowledge of things of the carnal realm become greater than his wisdom of Godly things of the spiritual realm.
“See that they all work as one,” said the Creator, “as they have one language for all men and behold now what they are already able to construct, so that in times to come nothing which they propose shall be too great for them to achieve.
So it came to pass that God confused the language of men, making for many different languages so that no longer could one man understand the words of the next. In this way did God cause them to leave of their quest and cause men to scatter themselves, each man gathering unto others which spoke in the tongue familiar to himself. For in his wisdom, God had determined that the knowledge of men would grow slowly, lest man harm himself, yea even bring destruction unto his own neighbor as a babe with the flint and stone of his father might burn himself with fire and yea, even destroy the village of his own birth.
The generations passed and the sons of men again descended into great evil. And it came to pas that one named Terah from the wealthy city of Ur of the Chaldees traveled with his sons, Abram, and his grandson Lot with their wives to the Land of Canaan, pausing to dwell along the way in the city of Haran, whereat God spoke to the one called Abram. For it was determined by God that Abram would be destined to become a forefather to a people that would be forever special unto Himself, set aside from other peoples of the world of men, but yet living amongst them. And that in Abram, in ages yet undawned, all peoples of the world would come to be blessed.
And the Word of God was a mighty thing upon the heart of Abram, stronger and more powerful than the things of the fallen, carnal world. For thus did Abram first learn to perceive that which could not be touched, to believe in that which could not be seen, and to obey that which could not be understood. In this way did faith in God enter into the world, for against the senses of carnal men did Abram come to obey the voice of God and leave behind the city of Haran, to leave behind the his family and the great wealth thereof, taking with him one named Lot who was his nephew and with them, their wives and the children of Lot, sojourning southward into the land of Canaan, which came to be promised by God as an inheritance unto Abram. And again did the Word of God prevail strongly upon the heart of Abram, and Abram believed in his heart all that God would come to tell him, until a time came when God counted the faithful belief of Abram as righteousness before His eyes so that in this way, men might again have the favor of God upon their lives.